23 October 2008


6x8 oil on canvas panel

7x9 oil on canvas panel

This week I learned that I can't paint for crap when my back hurts (old football injury). I couldn't make good decisions. I couldn't really see what I needed to see. I used the brush like a colored pencil. Is it better to paint poorly than to not paint at all?
I painted impatiently and haphazardly. It's clear when you look at my palette; it's a mess. Next time I'll use that as a yardstick of my distress, or my ineptitude. With the pumpkins, I needed to
walk away sooner. Now I have a date with an ice pack.


Cara said...

Sorry your back is giving you problems. Back pain, like a tooth ache, is horrible. But yes, it is better to paint poorly than not at all and for what its worth I like the paintings -

Barbara Pask said...

You are too hard on yourself, I really like these. I especially like the eggplant. I am sorry you are not feeling well, back pain affects every move you make.

Dar Presto said...

Cara and Barb, thanks for the support. I picked so many wrong values/colors before I found the right-ish ones, I guess because I wasn't fully engaged. My back will be better soon. Then I'll need a new excuse!